What is Employee Feedback?

Employee Feedback refers to the information, opinions, and reactions provided by employees regarding their job, work environment, management, and the organisation's policies and practices. This feedback can be positive or constructive and is essential for continuous improvement, employee engagement, and effective communication within the workplace. It can be collected through various means such as surveys, one-on-one meetings, suggestion boxes, and performance reviews.

Why is Employee Feedback relevant to internal comms?

Employee Feedback is highly relevant to internal communications professionals as it offers invaluable insights into employee sentiments, needs, and concerns. This feedback helps in shaping communication strategies, addressing issues proactively, and fostering a culture of openness and transparency. By encouraging and facilitating feedback, internal comms can enhance employee engagement and organisational effectiveness.

Examples of Employee Feedback in internal comms

An example might include conducting an annual employee engagement survey to gather feedback on various aspects of the work environment and company culture. Another example could be a feedback mechanism implemented after internal events or meetings to collect employees' thoughts and suggestions for improvement.

Best practices for Employee Feedback

  • Encourage a culture where feedback is regularly sought, valued, and acted upon.

  • Provide multiple channels for employees to give feedback, ensuring accessibility for all.

  • Communicate back to employees what feedback was received and what actions are being taken as a result.

Common challenges for Employee Feedback

  • Ensuring anonymity and confidentiality to encourage honest and open feedback.

  • Avoiding feedback overload where too much feedback can become unmanageable or overwhelming.

  • Addressing negative feedback constructively and implementing changes based on the feedback received.

What does Employee Feedback mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Employee Feedback is crucial as it provides a direct channel for voicing their experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. This feedback is particularly valuable as it offers insights from the employees closest to the customers and day-to-day operations.

Employee Feedback FAQs

  1. How can organisations effectively collect Employee Feedback?

    • By using a mix of formal and informal methods such as surveys, focus groups, suggestion boxes, and regular check-ins with managers.

  2. How should negative feedback be handled?

    • Negative feedback should be approached as an opportunity for growth, addressed constructively, and followed up with actionable steps for improvement.

  3. What role does leadership play in fostering a feedback culture?

    • Leadership is key in modelling openness to feedback, encouraging teams to share their insights, and ensuring that feedback leads to meaningful actions.


What are Employee Feedback Channels?


What is Employee Experience?