What is Employee Advocacy?

Employee Advocacy is a strategic approach where employees are encouraged and supported to promote their organisation's values, goals, and achievements through their personal networks and social media channels. It involves employees acting as brand ambassadors, sharing positive experiences and insights about their workplace, thereby extending the reach and authenticity of the organisation's messaging.

Why is Employee Advocacy relevant to internal comms?

Employee Advocacy is highly relevant to internal communications professionals because it leverages the most credible assets of an organisation—its employees—to amplify corporate messages in an authentic and relatable manner. This approach can significantly enhance brand visibility, improve recruitment efforts, and boost overall employee engagement and loyalty.

Examples of Employee Advocacy in internal comms

An example of Employee Advocacy could include a program where employees are encouraged to share their work experiences, company-hosted events, or achievements on their personal social media platforms, using specific hashtags. Another example might be employees participating in industry forums or events as representatives of their organisation, sharing their insights and professional experiences.

Best practices for Employee Advocacy

  • Provide clear guidelines and training to employees on how to share company-related content responsibly.

  • Recognise and reward employees who actively participate in advocacy efforts to encourage continued engagement.

  • Monitor and measure the impact of employee advocacy on brand reach, engagement, and other key metrics.

Common challenges for Employee Advocacy

  • Ensuring consistent and on-brand messaging while allowing for personal expression.

  • Engaging a diverse workforce with varying levels of comfort and expertise in social media.

  • Measuring the direct impact of employee advocacy efforts on business outcomes.

What does Employee Advocacy mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Employee Advocacy provides an opportunity to share their unique perspectives and experiences, contributing to a more dynamic and authentic portrayal of the organisation's brand and culture. It empowers these teams to take an active role in shaping the organisation's public image and fostering a positive workplace environment.

Employee Advocacy FAQs

  1. How can organisations encourage Employee Advocacy?

    • By creating a positive work environment, offering incentives for participation, and providing content that is easy and appealing for employees to share.

  2. What are the risks associated with Employee Advocacy?

    • Potential risks include the sharing of sensitive or inappropriate content. Clear guidelines and training can help mitigate these risks.

  3. How do you measure the success of an Employee Advocacy program?

    • Success can be measured through increased brand visibility, higher engagement rates on social media, and positive changes in employee sentiment and engagement.


What is an Employee Advocacy Platform?


What are Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives?