What is Creating and Curating Content?

Creating and curating content involves the process of producing new content and gathering existing content that is relevant and valuable to your audience. In the context of internal communications, creating content might involve writing articles, designing infographics, or producing videos that align with organisational goals and employee needs. Curating content, on the other hand, involves selecting and sharing external or internal content that is informative, engaging, and beneficial for employees, helping to enhance their knowledge and understanding of industry trends, best practices, or organisational developments.

Why is Creating and Curating Content relevant to internal comms?

This process is crucial for internal comms professionals as it ensures a steady flow of fresh and relevant information that keeps employees informed, engaged, and connected. Effective content creation and curation can support a variety of internal comms objectives, from enhancing employee engagement and education to reinforcing company culture and values.

Examples of Creating and Curating Content in internal comms

Examples might include an internal newsletter featuring a mix of company news, employee stories, and industry updates, or a content series on the company intranet highlighting best practices and innovative ideas from within and outside the organisation.

Best practices for Creating and Curating Content

  • Understand your audience to tailor content that meets their interests and needs.

  • Maintain a consistent tone and style that reflects your organisational culture.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your content through engagement metrics and feedback.

Common challenges for Creating and Curating Content

  • Keeping content fresh and relevant in a rapidly changing environment.

  • Balancing the quantity of content with maintaining high quality and value.

  • Ensuring curated content aligns with organisational values and messaging.

What does Creating and Curating Content mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, access to well-curated and created content can mean better insights into organisational goals, improved skills and knowledge, and a stronger connection to the wider company culture, enhancing their engagement and performance.

Creating and Curating Content FAQs

  1. How can internal comms professionals find content to curate?

    • By staying updated with industry news, monitoring relevant social media channels, and encouraging content sharing within the organisation.

  2. How often should new content be created?

    • The frequency should be based on the organisation's capacity to produce quality content and the audience's appetite for consuming it, ensuring a balance is maintained.

  3. What are some tools that can help with content creation and curation?

    • Tools like content management systems, social media management platforms, and design software can streamline the content creation and curation process.


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