What is Communication Mix?

The Communication Mix refers to the combination of channels, tools, and strategies an organisation uses to communicate internally with its employees. This mix is designed to ensure that messages reach all parts of the workforce effectively, accommodating diverse needs, preferences, and work environments.

Why is Communication Mix relevant to internal comms?

A well-crafted communication mix is crucial for internal comms professionals as it ensures that important messages are disseminated efficiently and effectively across the entire organisation. It helps in achieving a balance between digital and traditional communication methods, formal and informal channels, and top-down and bottom-up communication flows, thereby enhancing overall engagement and understanding.

Examples of Communication Mix in internal comms

This can include a range of tools such as email, intranet sites, newsletters, town hall meetings, instant messaging apps, and social media platforms. The mix might also involve face-to-face interactions, printed materials, and digital signage to cater to various employee segments and situations.

Best practices for Communication Mix

  • Tailor the mix to suit the specific needs and preferences of your workforce, considering factors like location, job roles, and access to technology.

  • Regularly review and adapt the mix based on feedback and evolving communication technologies.

  • Ensure consistency of messaging across all channels to avoid confusion and mixed messages.

Common challenges for Communication Mix

  • Keeping up with rapidly changing communication technologies and trends.

  • Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all employees, including those in remote or frontline roles.

  • Measuring the effectiveness of different channels and strategies within the mix.

What does Communication Mix mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a diverse communication mix is essential to ensure they receive timely and relevant information, given their often limited access to company networks and traditional communication channels. The mix should include mobile-friendly, accessible tools that fit into their dynamic work environments.

Communication Mix FAQs

  1. How do we choose the right channels for our communication mix?

    • Consider your communication objectives, employee demographics, and the nature of the messages being conveyed. Trial and feedback can also help refine your mix.

  2. Can the communication mix vary between departments within the same organisation?

    • Yes, different departments may have unique needs and preferences, necessitating a tailored approach to the communication mix.

  3. How often should we review our communication mix?

    • Regularly review the mix to ensure it remains effective and relevant, considering changes in workforce dynamics, technology, and organisational goals.


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