What is Communication Barriers Identification?

Communication Barriers Identification refers to the process of recognising and understanding the obstacles that hinder effective communication within an organisation. These barriers can be physical, such as distance and noise; psychological, like preconceptions and resistance to change; linguistic, including language differences; cultural, encompassing different norms and values; and technological, involving challenges with communication tools and platforms.

Why is Communication Barriers Identification relevant to internal comms?

Identifying communication barriers is crucial for internal communications professionals as it is the first step towards developing strategies to overcome these obstacles. Understanding these barriers allows for the creation of more effective communication plans that cater to the diverse needs of an organisation's workforce, thus enhancing overall engagement and productivity.

Examples of Communication Barriers Identification in internal comms

An example might include conducting surveys or focus groups to gather employee feedback on communication challenges they face, such as difficulties in accessing the company intranet or feeling disconnected from the wider organisation due to remote working. Another example could be analysing communication flow and feedback to identify areas where messages are consistently misunderstood or ignored.

Best practices for Communication Barriers Identification

  • Utilise a variety of tools and methods, such as surveys, interviews, and observation, to gather comprehensive data on potential barriers.

  • Engage employees from all levels and departments of the organisation to get a broad perspective on communication challenges.

  • Regularly review and update the identification process to adapt to changes within the organisation and its external environment.

Common challenges in Communication Barriers Identification

  • Ensuring participation and honest feedback from all employee groups

  • Analysing qualitative and quantitative data to accurately identify barriers

  • Distinguishing between symptoms of deeper organisational issues and communication barriers themselves

What does Communication Barriers Identification mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, especially in customer-facing roles, identifying communication barriers is essential for ensuring that they have the information and support needed to perform their duties effectively. Addressing these barriers can lead to improved service delivery, greater job satisfaction, and better team cohesion.

Communication Barriers Identification FAQs

  1. How often should an organisation identify communication barriers?

    • Regular assessments, at least annually or following significant organisational changes, are recommended to keep up with evolving communication needs.

  2. Who should be involved in the process of identifying communication barriers?

    • A cross-functional team, including internal comms professionals, HR, and representatives from various departments, ensures a well-rounded view.

  3. What are some common tools used for identifying communication barriers?

    • Surveys, focus groups, one-on-one interviews, and communication audits are effective tools for uncovering barriers.


What are Communication Channels?


What are Communication Barriers and Solutions?