What is an Employee Journey?

An Employee Journey refers to the complete experience an employee has with an organisation, from initial contact as a potential recruit, through the hiring process, onboarding, career development, and eventually separation or retirement. It encompasses all the interactions, experiences, and transitions an employee goes through during their tenure with a company. Mapping out the employee journey helps organisations identify key touchpoints and opportunities to enhance employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Why is an Employee Journey relevant to internal comms?

The Employee Journey is highly relevant to internal communications because effective communication is crucial at every stage of the journey. Internal comms professionals play a key role in shaping the employee experience by providing clear, timely, and supportive communication that helps employees navigate their roles, understand organisational changes, and feel connected to the company's mission and culture.

Examples of an Employee Journey in internal comms

Examples might include a welcome package and orientation sessions for new hires, regular career development discussions and feedback sessions, recognition programs for achievements and milestones, and communication support during organisational changes or role transitions.

Best practices for an Employee Journey

  • Map out the key stages and touchpoints of the employee journey to identify opportunities for engagement and support.

  • Tailor communication strategies to the needs and preferences of employees at different stages of their journey.

  • Solicit and act on employee feedback to continually improve the experience at each stage of the journey.

Common challenges for an Employee Journey

  • Ensuring consistency and personalisation in communications across different stages of the journey.

  • Addressing the diverse needs and expectations of employees in different roles and at different career stages.

  • Measuring the impact of the employee journey on engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

What does an Employee Journey mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a well-supported Employee Journey means having clear guidance, support, and recognition from the moment they are recruited, which can enhance their engagement and performance. It ensures they have a positive and fulfilling work experience, with opportunities for growth and development.

Employee Journey FAQs

  1. How can internal comms enhance the Employee Journey?

    • By ensuring consistent, engaging, and supportive communication that addresses the needs and concerns of employees at each stage of their journey.

  2. What impact does a positive Employee Journey have on an organisation?

    • A positive Employee Journey can lead to higher employee engagement, improved performance, and increased retention, contributing to overall organisational success.

  3. How can technology support the Employee Journey?

    • Technology can facilitate smoother transitions and communications throughout the employee journey, from onboarding platforms and performance management systems to internal social networks that foster connection and collaboration.


What is Employee Motivation?


What are Employee Feedback Platforms?