What is a Content Plan?

A Content Plan is a strategic document used by organisations to outline the creation, delivery, and management of communication content over a specific period. It details what content will be produced, the channels through which it will be distributed, the target audience for each piece of content, and the schedule for publication. A well-structured Content Plan helps ensure that internal communications are consistent, relevant, and aligned with the organisation's objectives.

Why is a Content Plan relevant to internal comms?

A Content Plan is vital for internal comms professionals as it provides a roadmap for effective communication within the organisation. It ensures that all content supports the broader internal communication strategy, aligns with company goals, and meets the informational and engagement needs of employees. A Content Plan also facilitates content diversity, timeliness, and regularity, which are key to maintaining employee interest and engagement.

Examples of a Content Plan in internal comms

An example of a Content Plan might include a monthly newsletter schedule detailing themes, key messages, responsible contributors, and distribution channels. It could also outline a series of employee spotlight interviews to be published on the intranet, including timelines for interviews, writing, approval, and publication.

Best practices for a Content Plan

  • Start with clear objectives that your content aims to achieve within the scope of your internal comms strategy.

  • Understand your audience segments to tailor content appropriately.

  • Plan for a mix of content types and channels to cater to diverse preferences and ensure broad reach.

  • Incorporate feedback mechanisms to gauge content effectiveness and employee engagement.

Common challenges for a Content Plan

  • Keeping content fresh and engaging to avoid audience fatigue

  • Balancing evergreen content with timely, topical information

  • Managing content creation and approval processes efficiently across multiple contributors and departments

What does a Content Plan mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a Content Plan ensures they receive regular, relevant, and engaging information that supports their day-to-day work, helps them feel connected to the wider organisation, and keeps them informed about company news, policies, and initiatives that impact their roles.

Content Plan FAQs

  1. How often should a Content Plan be updated?

    • Regular reviews, at least quarterly, are recommended to ensure the plan remains aligned with organisational changes and employee feedback.

  2. Who should be involved in creating a Content Plan?

    • Collaboration between internal comms, HR, department heads, and frontline representatives can ensure the plan addresses a wide range of needs and perspectives.

  3. What are some key components of an effective Content Plan?

    • Key components include content objectives, target audience, content calendar, distribution channels, and metrics for measuring engagement and impact.


What is Continuous Improvement?


What is Consistency?