What is a Communication Strategy?

A Communication Strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how an organisation will communicate with its employees to achieve specific internal communication goals. It includes the identification of key messages, target audiences, communication channels, timing, and metrics for measuring effectiveness. A well-defined Communication Strategy ensures that all internal communications are consistent, purposeful, and aligned with the organisation's objectives.

Why is a Communication Strategy relevant to internal comms?

A Communication Strategy is fundamental to internal comms as it provides a structured framework for delivering messages that engage and inform employees, foster a positive organisational culture, and drive business success. It helps in prioritising communication efforts, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and that communications are effective in achieving their intended outcomes.

Examples of a Communication Strategy in internal comms

An example of a Communication Strategy could be the plan for communicating a major organisational change, such as a merger or rebranding. This might involve a phased approach, starting with leadership communication, followed by departmental briefings, and supported by ongoing updates through the company intranet, email newsletters, and staff meetings.

Best practices for a Communication Strategy

  • Start with clear, measurable objectives that align with your overall business goals.

  • Understand your audience segments and tailor messages to their needs and preferences.

  • Choose the right mix of channels to reach your audience effectively.

  • Plan for feedback mechanisms to gauge the reception of your communications and adapt as necessary.

Common challenges for a Communication Strategy

  • Ensuring alignment and consistency across all communication channels and messages.

  • Adapting to the changing communication preferences and needs of a diverse workforce.

  • Measuring the impact and effectiveness of communication efforts.

What does a Communication Strategy mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a clear and effective Communication Strategy means being well-informed about organisational goals, changes, and expectations, which is crucial for their daily operations and customer interactions. It ensures they receive timely, relevant information and feel connected to the wider organisation.

Communication Strategy FAQs

  1. How often should a Communication Strategy be reviewed and updated?

    • It should be reviewed annually or in response to significant organisational changes to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

  2. Who should be involved in developing a Communication Strategy?

    • It should involve input from various stakeholders, including leadership, internal comms, HR, and representatives from different departments, to ensure a holistic approach.

  3. What are the key components of an effective Communication Strategy?

    • Key components include clear objectives, targeted audience segmentation, strategic channel selection, content planning, timing, and metrics for evaluation.


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