What are Relevant Comms?

Relevant Comms refer to internal communications that are directly applicable and significant to the intended audience within an organisation. This means delivering the right information, to the right people, at the right time, ensuring that messages are tailored to the specific needs, roles, and interests of different employee groups. Relevance is key to capturing attention, enhancing understanding, and driving meaningful action among employees.

Why are Relevant Comms relevant to internal comms?

Relevance in communications is essential for internal comms professionals as it directly impacts engagement, information retention, and the effectiveness of communication strategies. By ensuring that communications are relevant, internal comms can improve the efficiency of information dissemination, reduce information overload, and foster a more informed and responsive workforce.

Examples of Relevant Comms in internal comms

An example could include targeted updates for different departments, where each group receives information pertinent to their specific functions and goals, rather than a one-size-fits-all company-wide message. Another example might be customised onboarding materials for new hires based on their role and department, ensuring that the information provided is directly relevant to their needs.

Best practices for Relevant Comms

  • Segment the audience based on roles, departments, or locations to tailor messages more effectively.

  • Use feedback and data analytics to understand employee preferences and interests, and adapt communications accordingly.

  • Ensure clarity and conciseness in messages to highlight their relevance and importance.

Common challenges for Relevant Comms

  • Identifying and understanding the diverse needs and preferences within a varied workforce.

  • Balancing the need for personalised communication with the practicalities of scaling across a large organisation.

  • Keeping content fresh and engaging to maintain relevance over time.

What do Relevant Comms mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Relevant Comms mean receiving information that directly impacts their day-to-day operations and responsibilities, enhancing their ability to perform effectively and stay aligned with organisational objectives. This targeted approach helps to ensure that communications are practical, actionable, and valued by those on the front lines.

Relevant Comms FAQs

  1. How can internal comms ensure communications remain relevant to diverse employee groups?

    • By regularly gathering and incorporating employee feedback, monitoring engagement metrics, and staying attuned to changes within the organisation that may affect information needs.

  2. What impact do Relevant Comms have on employee engagement?

    • Relevant communications significantly boost engagement by demonstrating that the organisation understands and addresses the specific needs and concerns of its employees.

  3. How can technology support the delivery of Relevant Comms?

    • Advanced communication platforms and tools can offer features such as audience segmentation, personalisation, and analytics, which aid in delivering more targeted and relevant messages.


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