What are News Views?

News Views typically refer to the number of times a news item, announcement, or update within an organisation is viewed by employees. This metric is used to gauge the reach and engagement of internal communications, providing insights into how well information is being disseminated and received across the organisation. Tracking News Views helps internal comms professionals understand the effectiveness of their communication channels and strategies.

Why are News Views relevant to internal comms?

News Views are highly relevant to internal communications as they offer a quantifiable measure of employee engagement with internal news content. High News Views may indicate that content is relevant and well-received, while lower views might suggest a need for adjustment in content strategy or dissemination methods. Understanding this metric allows internal comms professionals to tailor their communications to better meet the needs and preferences of the workforce.

Examples of News Views in internal comms

An example might include an internal newsletter where the number of views on each article is tracked to identify topics of high interest to employees. Another example could be the analytics from an intranet platform showing the frequency and duration of views on different news postings.

Best practices for maximising News Views

  • Ensure content is relevant, engaging, and tailored to the interests and needs of the employee audience.

  • Promote key news items across multiple channels to increase visibility and accessibility.

  • Encourage interactivity and feedback on news content to foster a two-way communication environment.

Common challenges for News Views

  • Overcoming information overload, where important news items compete with a high volume of content.

  • Ensuring equitable access to news content for all employees, including remote and frontline workers.

  • Measuring the qualitative impact of news content beyond just the number of views.

What do News Views mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, News Views can indicate the relevance and accessibility of organisational news to their day-to-day roles. High engagement with news content among frontline employees can signal effective communication alignment and contribute to a more informed and cohesive workforce.

News Views FAQs

  1. How can internal comms increase News Views among employees?

    • By employing attention-grabbing headlines, ensuring content relevance, and utilising push notifications or reminders to draw attention to new posts.

  2. What role does content format play in News Views?

    • The format can significantly impact engagement; for example, videos and interactive content may attract more views than text-heavy posts.

  3. How should internal comms respond to low News Views?

    • Investigate potential causes such as content relevance, channel effectiveness, or timing, and adjust strategies accordingly to improve engagement.


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