What are Employee Onboarding Communication Materials?

Employee Onboarding Communication Materials are the resources and documents used to facilitate the onboarding process for new employees. These materials are designed to provide essential information about the company, its culture, policies, and the specific roles and responsibilities of the new hire. They can include welcome packets, employee handbooks, training manuals, organisational charts, and digital resources, all aimed at helping new employees integrate smoothly into the organisation.

Why are Employee Onboarding Communication Materials relevant to internal comms?

These materials are crucial for internal communications professionals because they ensure that consistent, clear, and comprehensive information is conveyed to new hires from the outset. Well-crafted onboarding communication materials can significantly enhance the onboarding experience, contributing to a positive first impression, faster integration, and long-term employee engagement and retention.

Examples of Employee Onboarding Communication Materials in internal comms

Examples might include a welcome email outlining the first week's schedule, an employee handbook detailing company policies and culture, interactive e-learning modules for role-specific training, and a directory of key contacts within the organisation.

Best practices for Employee Onboarding Communication Materials

  • Ensure all materials are up-to-date, clear, and reflective of the company's brand and values.

  • Personalise materials where possible to make new hires feel welcomed and valued.

  • Use a variety of formats (print, digital, video) to cater to different learning preferences and ensure accessibility.

Common challenges for Employee Onboarding Communication Materials

  • Keeping content current with organisational changes and updates.

  • Balancing the amount of information provided to avoid overwhelming new hires.

  • Ensuring materials are engaging and interactive to facilitate learning and retention.

What do Employee Onboarding Communication Materials mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, effective onboarding communication materials mean having a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and how they fit into the larger organisational picture from day one. This is essential for building confidence, fostering a sense of belonging, and enabling them to contribute effectively to the team and organisation's goals.

Employee Onboarding Communication Materials FAQs

  1. How can internal comms ensure the effectiveness of onboarding materials?

    • By regularly reviewing and updating materials based on feedback from new hires and changes within the organisation.

  2. What role does digital technology play in enhancing onboarding materials?

    • Digital technology can be used to create interactive and engaging onboarding experiences, from virtual tours to e-learning platforms that facilitate interactive learning.

  3. How can feedback from new hires be incorporated into improving onboarding materials?

    • Solicit feedback through surveys or informal discussions to understand the effectiveness of the materials and areas for improvement, ensuring that future iterations are even more impactful.


What are Employee Onboarding Materials?


What is Employee Onboarding Communication?