What are Employee Engagement Surveys?

Employee Engagement Surveys are tools used by organisations to assess the level of engagement and satisfaction among employees regarding various aspects of their work and the workplace. These surveys typically consist of a series of questions designed to gauge employees' feelings about their job roles, the work environment, leadership, recognition, professional development opportunities, and the company's culture and values. The feedback obtained from these surveys is crucial for identifying strengths and areas for improvement in employee engagement strategies.

Why are Employee Engagement Surveys relevant to internal comms?

Employee Engagement Surveys are highly relevant to internal communications as they provide a direct channel for employees to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions. Internal comms professionals can use insights from these surveys to tailor communication strategies, address employee needs, and foster a culture of openness and continuous improvement.

Examples of Employee Engagement Surveys in internal comms

An example of an Employee Engagement Survey might include questions about employees' understanding of the company's strategic goals, their sense of belonging, opportunities for growth and development, and the effectiveness of internal communications. The survey could be distributed annually or semi-annually and include open-ended questions for qualitative feedback.

Best practices for Employee Engagement Surveys

  • Ensure anonymity to encourage honest and candid responses.

  • Communicate the purpose of the survey and how the results will be used to improve the workplace.

  • Act on the feedback received by developing and implementing targeted action plans.

Common challenges for Employee Engagement Surveys

  • Ensuring a high response rate for representative feedback.

  • Avoiding survey fatigue by keeping the survey concise and relevant.

  • Demonstrating a commitment to making meaningful changes based on survey results.

What do Employee Engagement Surveys mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, Employee Engagement Surveys represent an opportunity to share their unique perspectives and challenges, contributing to decisions that affect their work environment and job satisfaction. It ensures their voices are heard and considered in shaping organisational policies and practices.

Employee Engagement Surveys FAQs

  1. How frequently should Employee Engagement Surveys be conducted?

    • This can vary but conducting surveys annually or bi-annually allows for tracking progress over time while avoiding survey fatigue.

  2. How can organisations increase participation in Employee Engagement Surveys?

    • By communicating the importance of the survey, ensuring confidentiality, and making it easy and accessible for all employees to participate.

  3. What should be done with the results of Employee Engagement Surveys?

    • Results should be analysed, shared with employees to demonstrate transparency, and used as a basis for developing action plans to address identified issues.


What is Employee Experience?


What are Employee Engagement Strategies?