What are Crisis Communication Plans?

Crisis Communication Plans are strategic documents designed to guide an organisation's communication response during a crisis. These plans outline the protocols, channels, key messages, and stakeholders involved in communication efforts during unexpected events that could negatively impact the organisation. The goal is to ensure that communication during a crisis is clear, consistent, and effectively manages the situation to minimise any potential harm to the organisation's reputation, operations, or stakeholders.

Why are Crisis Communication Plans relevant to internal comms?

Crisis Communication Plans are critically relevant to internal comms professionals as they provide a predefined framework for managing communications during crises. Such plans ensure that internal comms are prepared to respond quickly and effectively, maintaining employee trust and morale, and preventing misinformation. They play a crucial role in sustaining organisational integrity and continuity during challenging times.

Examples of Crisis Communication Plans in internal comms

An example might include a plan for handling a data breach, outlining immediate internal communication to inform employees about the breach, ongoing updates regarding the situation, and clear guidance on any required actions from staff. Another example could be a communication strategy in response to a natural disaster affecting company operations, detailing how to keep employees informed, safe, and engaged during the event.

Best practices for Crisis Communication Plans

  • Regularly update the plan to reflect changes in the organisational structure, employee data, and communication technology.

  • Conduct training and simulations to ensure all relevant parties are familiar with their roles during a crisis.

  • Include templates for key messages to expedite communication during the initial stages of a crisis.

Common challenges for Crisis Communication Plans

  • Keeping the plan updated amidst organisational changes

  • Ensuring all employees are aware of and understand the plan

  • Balancing the need for rapid response with the accuracy and sensitivity of communications

What do Crisis Communication Plans mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, having an effective Crisis Communication Plan means being quickly informed about the crisis and understanding their role in the response, ensuring they can continue to operate safely and effectively. It helps in maintaining clarity and confidence among frontline employees, who are often directly affected by crises or play a key role in the organisation's response.

Crisis Communication Plans FAQs

  1. How often should Crisis Communication Plans be reviewed and updated?

    • Ideally, review and update the plan annually or whenever there are significant changes in the organisation or its operating environment.

  2. Who should be involved in developing and implementing Crisis Communication Plans?

    • A cross-functional team, including internal comms, HR, legal, security, and executive leadership, should collaborate to ensure a comprehensive approach.

  3. How do you test the effectiveness of a Crisis Communication Plan?

    • Conducting regular drills and simulations can help test the plan's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.


What is Cross-Functional Communication?


What is Crisis and Communication?