What are audiences?

Audiences within the context of internal communications refer to the specific groups or segments of employees within an organisation targeted for specific messages, campaigns, or information. These groups can be defined by factors such as department, role, geographic location, or interest. Understanding and segmenting audiences is crucial for tailoring communication strategies to ensure messages are relevant, engaging, and effective.

Why are audiences relevant to internal comms?

Audiences are central to internal comms because they enable communicators to customise and personalise messages to meet different employee groups' unique needs and preferences. This relevance boosts engagement, ensures information is appropriately received and acted upon, and supports a positive organisational culture by making employees feel understood and valued.

Examples of audiences in internal comms

Examples include department-specific communications, location-based updates, role-related information sharing, and interest-based communities within an organisation. For instance, a health and safety update might be most relevant to operational staff, while a new HR policy might be communicated differently to managers and frontline employees.

Best practices for audiences

  1. Segment your audience based on clear criteria.

  2. Tailor messages to each audience's interests, needs, and communication preferences.

  3. Use feedback and engagement metrics to refine audience segmentation and messaging over time.

Common challenges for audiences

  • Identifying the most effective segmentation criteria.

  • Tailoring messages without creating information silos.

  • Ensuring messages are inclusive and accessible to all employees.

What do audiences mean for frontline teams?

Effective audience segmentation is particularly crucial for organisations with large frontline teams, as these employees often have distinct communication needs and preferences due to their roles, locations, and access to technology.

Audiences FAQs

Q: How do you identify your internal communication audiences? A: Analyzing organisational structures, employee roles, demographics, and communication preferences.

Q: Can an employee belong to multiple audiences? A: Employees often fit into multiple segments, necessitating cross-audience communication strategies.


What is an internal communication policy development?


What are the different types of audiences in internal comms?