What does "From the Top" mean?

"From the Top" in internal communications refers to communication that originates from the senior leadership or executive level of an organisation and is disseminated down through the hierarchy to all employees. This approach typically involves directives, policies, strategic updates, and organisational news being shared by top management to ensure alignment and clarity throughout the company.

Why is "From the Top" relevant to internal comms?

Communications from the top are essential in internal comms as they establish the tone, direction, and priorities of the organisation. They play a critical role in ensuring that all employees understand the leadership's vision, goals, and expectations, fostering a sense of unity and direction across the company.

Examples of "From the Top" in internal comms

Examples include CEO newsletters, executive announcements at company-wide meetings, strategic updates shared in internal emails, and leadership messages on the company intranet. These communications often set the agenda for the organisation and provide a clear sense of leadership presence and guidance.

Best practices for "From the Top"

  • Ensure messages are clear, consistent, and aligned with the organisation's values and strategic objectives.

  • Personalise communications where possible to enhance connection and engagement with employees.

  • Encourage feedback to foster a two-way communication channel, making employees feel heard and valued.

Common challenges for "From the Top"

  • Ensuring messages are effectively cascaded down and understood by all levels of the organisation.

  • Avoiding communication overload or the perception of top-down mandates without employee input.

  • Maintaining authenticity and personal connection in communications from senior leaders.

What does "From the Top" mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, "from the top" communications provide crucial insights into the company's strategic direction and leadership's perspectives, helping them align their day-to-day activities with broader organisational goals and feel more connected to the company's mission.

"From the Top" FAQs

  1. How can we ensure that messages "from the top" are well-received by all employees?

    • By using clear, relatable language, providing context for decisions, and illustrating the impact on various roles within the company.

  2. Can "from the top" communications include interactive elements?

    • Yes, incorporating Q&A sessions, feedback mechanisms, or interactive town halls can make "from the top" communications more engaging and inclusive.

  3. How often should senior leaders communicate "from the top"?

    • The frequency can vary based on the organisation's size, culture, and current circumstances, but regular, scheduled communications help maintain transparency and trust.


What is a Feedback Mechanism?


What is a Feedback Loop?