Engage vs SharePoint

SharePoint is a document storage and collaboration platform that can be configured as an Intranet - due to this flexibility, it’s easy to make mistakes, overload the content and give your workforce a poor experience.

Engage is a mobile-first employee sales enablement platform to boost knowledge, compliance and culture in organisations. We’ve built Engage to to tackle real-world problems our customers were experiencing.

🔎 Search

"It's confusing and with so much information on there it's hard to find what you're looking for." - SharePoint User

"The search function is very poor and it is hard to find documents on it." - Another SharePoint User

"Outdated UI Impossible to Search " - Yet Another SharePoint User

In our personal lives, we’re used to having instant access to knowledge - and that usually starts with a web search. 

But in SharePoint, so many users create so much content, whenever employees search, they struggle to find what they need or find 10 versions of the same document that have been added over the years.

Search is so important, in Engage, our employee platform, we built our knowledgebase search to be just like Google, but for your business.

"Our front line staff have all the tools they need at their fingertips, whether they use the desktop version of Engage, tablet or mobile." - Engage User

👩‍🏫 Learn and teach

With Engage, we let you extend any of your content like articles, videos, how-tos and processes with short microlearning training.

This is proven to embed knowledge and uses techniques similar to Duolingo to teach not test.

For SharePoint, you'll need a separate Learning Management System to test your staff, requiring duplicating content and risking sharing old information.

"Great way to keep staff up to date on training in an efficient and traceable manner" - Engage User 

✅ Accredited content

At its core, SharePoint is a file-sharing platform, and can quickly become filled with incorrect and outdated if not configured correctly and managed by your central IT team.

Empower the right people to manage the right content with Engage, so staff are confident what they're ready is accredited, correct and up to date. 

With Engage mark your important policies and procedures to be Acknowledgements so staff have to confirm they’ve read and understood.

📲 Access

Your workforce is no longer expected to sit at a desk all day, and often those in retail, field or manufacturing teams are forgotten about when it comes to SharePoint.

Get away from trying to stream video over VPNs, or that one corporate computer in the back office that staff can only occasionally access.

Engage is mobile-first, accessible through apps on iPhone, iPad, Android and the web - meaning staff are confident they have the knowledge on hand in the moment they need it.

By design, Engage sits away from your corporate network, so you can even reach staff not set up on corporate email. Engage is hosted securely in the cloud at Amazon Web Services.

📊 Reporting

Whilst SharePoint offers usage data, these insights are only available to head office.

Engage empowers everyone in your organisation to see how they’re performing alongside their team and colleagues, encouraging a culture of improvements.

Alongside this, it enables line managers and team leaders to follow up and support their team, without data having to flow all the way to head office before being shared back down.

🛠 No developer required

Engage doesn’t require bringing in expensive intranet consultants or developers, and is provided as a fully hosted, supported and updated platform.

When to choose Engage?

With Engage your staff will have:

  • Instant, searchable knowledge, to the right content at the right time. Including videos, podcasts, news, article, how-tos, guides and policies.

  • Web, iPhone, iPad and Android app access, so your staff are confident they have what they need, where they need it.

  • Learning that works for them, by extending your content with simple learning, with no need for Intranets and learning management systems.

If you have a lot of Windows users and want to share Excel, Word and PowerPoint, choose SharePoint. If you’re an Office 365 user and need collaboration and want to get away from SharePoint, a perfect combo is OneDrive for collaboration on documents and files then Engage for your comms, policies, compliance and verified knowledge management.

We’ve helped lots of customers get away from SharePoint.

Let us know your biggest pain point or get a free demo: