Introducing Test Mode on Ocasta Engage: the ultimate knowledge check for your sales and customer-facing teams

Are you frustrated with the time-consuming process of assessing your sales team's knowledge on essential topics, such as compliance, product information, or company policies? Have you found it takes too long to create content on the LMS, or does no one complete the quizzes you send out in comms?

Things move fast for your customer-facing teams - so look no further – Engage's new Test Mode is here to help you.

Engage has always had a strong focus on learning, not testing. We aim to ensure your customer-facing team has the foundational knowledge needed to succeed. Engage’s microlearning approach uses techniques similar to Duolingo to keep your salespeople engaged and continuously learning.

Microlearning has become an efficient and engaging way to train sales teams. It involves delivering bite-sized, focused content that's easy to digest and remember. While microlearning is considered the optimal learning method for busy sales associates, there are times when you confidently need to verify your sales team's understanding of critical concepts.

That’s why Engage has just launched its newest update to learning: Test Mode. This game-changing update enables you to create customised tests to evaluate your workforce's knowledge and skills, ensuring they are well-equipped to excel in their roles.

What is Test Mode, and why do you need it?

Ocasta Engage's courses allow you to repurpose any of your content with short tasks and questions and build your learning pathway for your sales team.

Now, with Test Mode, you can set a pass mark and random knowledge checks in your microlearning, supporting your sales training by including tests within your microlearning content, embedding and then evaluating your employees' knowledge.

With Test Mode, you can have confidence that your staff have learned, understood, and are ready to apply their knowledge in real-world sales scenarios.

Here are some times when incorporating short knowledge checks can be more effective:

Compliance and certification requirements

In certain industries, frontline teams must meet specific compliance standards or obtain certifications. For example, sales teams selling financial products like mobile contracts, insurance, or furniture financing must receive adequate training and demonstrate understanding. 

Traditional testing ensures that team members are well-versed in the required information and possess the necessary knowledge to meet these standards. Test results can also prove competence, certification, and completion of mandated training.

Getting your product facts right

If your sales team deals with complex products or manages an extensive catalogue, they must know these products inside and out.

You don't want customers to know more about your products than your salespeople, especially if sales representatives cannot remember the correct information!

Test Mode will give you the confidence that your microlearning is working effectively by incorporating short tests into your product training, ensuring that your sales teams have the essential knowledge to close deals throughout the B2C customer journey.

Promoting accountability and motivation

Tests can create a sense of accountability and urgency among team members when used sparingly. Knowing you will test them on their knowledge can encourage employees to stay engaged with the training materials, enhancing retention and overall performance.

How do employees complete a test?

Your staff can identify test lessons by the test badge displayed on the lesson. When selecting a lesson with a test, Engage will inform them of the test's details, such as the number of questions and the mark required to pass.

Tests must be completed in a single session, and Engage will warn users if they try to leave the test as they will lose progress.

If they fail, they can retake the test after reading the supporting material.

Confidence and fairness with random question order

You’ve heard stories of sales teams all grouping together, sharing the answers to eLearning on the corporate LMS as they work through it in a circle, passing the answers around.

When designing tests in Engage, we knew we needed to be confident in the quality of the training and learning for your sales team.

So, when creating tests, you can opt for questions to be set randomly, have a large pool of questions, and only test a subset of them. This ensures that employees sitting close to one another receive a unique test, even if the questions are the same for everyone. With a random question order, you can rest assured that your team members are taking a fair and secure test.

Let your staff spend their creativity on selling instead of cheating the system.

Test it for yourself

Test Mode is the perfect answer for quick and accurate knowledge checks, ensuring your sales teams have the skills and knowledge to be confident in their role. Test Mode is a game-changer for frontline B2C sales team training and enablement.

Try it out today and experience the difference it can make for your organisation!

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