5 types of posts your staff love to share

Posts that give them bragging rights

Perhaps your company has won an award, you have introduced amazing staff discounts, or you're now supporting an incredible charity. Anything that makes your company seem like a cut above the rest is sure to make your staff proud to work with you. People share content on social media which they think reflects them as a person and their lifestyle. Most employees will want others to know what a great company they are working for or just to make their friends a little envious. 

Posts which are about themselves

Let's face it, everyone likes sharing content about themselves on social media, especially if it is someone else who has written about them. At Ocasta we created 'five minutes with' blog articles which ask employees casual interview-style questions. This is to find out more about each member of staff at Ocasta and learn what their interests and likes are outside of work. Needless to say, these got some of the highest post views and shares on social media.

Posts which they have helped create

The key to employee engagement is giving employees a sense of purpose at work and letting them have more ownership and control. If you encourage employees to help create the content then they will be more likely to share it. A great example of this is videos. You can film employees and make them part of the message you are trying to get across. Think about adverts which interview or include their employees; not only do these resonate more with the audience but they are more favoured and shared by the employees themselves. Guest blogging is a great idea too; get employees to write about a work-related topic they are passionate about and they will be sure to hit the share button.

Pictures of them and their team

Visual content is the most shared thing on social media. This is the kind of content that drives Snapchat and Instagram, which now has more than 800 million active users. So it should be obvious that people love pictures of themselves and their teams as it gives them a sense of belonging. Try and take photos as much as you can at company events, work parties, and even day to day activities, which note any achievements or highlights that happened during the day. 

Videos which demonstrate practical tips

BuzzSumo analysed two billion posts which were published on Facebook in 2017 and found that the most shared content was videos with practical tips. A great example is if you work for a clothing retailer, you could create videos with lifestyle hacks, such as how to keep the colour of your jeans from fading, or how to get the best deals out of the January sales. The list goes on, but aim to be as genuine and helpful as you can, if you're not then employees will see through your tactic and will not want to share.

Want to unlock the performance of your frontline teams?

Ocasta Engage unlocks the performance of your frontline teams through comms, microlearning and knowledge. Customers include Next, Virgin Media O2, Burgertory and Tesco Mobile, who have achieved desirable results, including; 

  • 98% engagement rates 

  • 3.75x more recognition amongst their teams

  • 94% of all comms being read. 


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