Do you know how engaging your internal communications are?

Engage now has a new feature which allows you to see the true engagement of your internal communications.

The engagement tracker allows you to view statistics for each news item that you post, with an engagement score to show your employee's actual interest in your articles. The new feature will also show how many staff members the post has reached and the number of views it has received. 

This means no more sending emails in the hope that your employees will read them and assuming that they do. You can now measure, track and tweak all of your communications to maximise engagement!

Why is it useful?

If you are a marketer, you know the only way to create engaging content is to measure its effectiveness. When you can see how many people actually read your post, it allows you to tailor your future content around your most engaging articles to make sure they are noticed and enjoyed by your audience. You can see what people like to read and what they don't which will send your engagement levels through the roof! 

Internal communications should be treated the same as marketing. You need to create compelling content to convey your message and your staff are your target audience. Having the ability to measure engagement means you can start sending communications out which your employees actually want to read! 

Who will use it?

The engagement tracking stats are only visible to head office so they can see if their communications are captivating their frontline employees or sending them to sleep.

If you want to find out more and improve your staff engagement levels, get in touch today!


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