How can you engage staff on mobiles?

Mobile devices are still the tool of choice for many as they continue to surpass desktop usage worldwide. In fact, data from StatCounter shows that 52% of browsing is done on mobile compared to 44% on desktops. So surely it's time you begin thinking more seriously about how you communicate your workplace messages on mobile?

Think about what you like most about your mobile compared to your desktop. Common favourites are scrolling, easy interaction through a single tap, images, videos, games, small bits of information to digest. Now think about what you don't like, this is usually large blocks of text and busy designs that confuse you or make it hard to navigate.

  1. Create more videos to communicate information to staff, viewers spend 100% more time on pages with videos on them (Marketingsherpa). To really understand the power of videos in your communications have a look at these video marketing stats. To make these more engaging, get members of the team to feature in them as their colleagues will be more likely to watch.

  2. Wherever you can, use images to convey what you are trying to say; how-to guides should be a series of images, policies and procedures could be transformed into infographics and weekly sales figures could be complemented by a team photo.

  3. Ensure you break up your text into small blocks with headings, summarise as much of the news as you can and if it's not essential then don't include it! We have a feature which makes it even easier to improve engagement of your internal comms, Engage summarises all of your important news to make sure everyone is kept in the loop.

  4. Turn your learning resources into enjoyable mobile games. Billions of people play games on their phone because they are small moments of fun that fit into their busy schedules. Doesn't this sound like something you could utilise for your communication strategy? You could turn information into multichoice quizzes to make memorising information fun and something staff can do on their commute. Virgin Media (VM) found that 65% of their employees play the VM learning game app in their own time!

Smartphones are continually changing the way we learn and think, so it is wise to start thinking about how this will alter your communications and what you can do to make them more effective on mobile!


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