Learning and engagement are a match made in heaven

Learning and engagement are a match made in heaven

Four reasons why they’re better together – employee engagement tools and eLearning systems in one platform

Learning and engagement should go hand in hand, if employees are not engaged they will not want to learn and if employees are not learning they will not stay engaged. So why are so many engagement and learning platforms stand alone, which detracts from the full effect which they could have when placed together. This is particularly important in retail because as an industry, time is not on their side, and during shift hours all staff are needed on the floor to serve the busy footfall.

1. Every piece of new information turns into a learning task

Do you get frustrated when you load thousands of new company information onto your learning portal, only to find no one reads them or even recalls what you have said. If you have a combined learning, and engagement tool, it means you can create learning programmes which staff can do anytime, and anywhere. You can even send short questions after new articles have been sent out to ensure they have been read and understood. The dash of their engagement tool will show updates in the news feed, meaning learning is ingrained into staff’s everyday making it easy for them to recall important information.

2. Learning is constant

Employees are quizzed daily on anything and everything company related. Meaning that learning is not limited to need to know information. They can search articles and videos whenever they want, if they are on the shop floor, or on their way home/to work.
With news updates on the engagement software they are learning new things about the company every day, not just at a specified time when a new policy or procedure is released.

This means that you don’t have to load information into your employee engagement system and then create another case study within your learning portal which can be delayed or different. Learning is done automatically through the engagement software and can all be done at once, reducing time and improving efficiency, and this is not just limited to one period of time. If you need staff to refresh their knowledge on certain topics you can send immediate notifications for quizzing and can see who has read what, if they haven’t prompt them to read.

Learning and quizzing shouldn’t just be about need to know documents, it should be in every aspect of your business for more knowledgeable and confident employees.

3. Targeted and relevant

Staff do not have to gather around a pc, head office don’t have to send out emails and hope for employees to read and learn. By producing short snappy questions for quick need to know information you take away the process of trawling through unnecessary information and subsequently make all learning relevant, quick and easy. With head office being able to see where learning gaps are they can shape the questions and information accordingly. It is useful for seasonal periods if you want employees to be more heavily informed on certain products or offers.

4. Keep up the pace

Head office can see knowledge gaps and push relevant questions accordingly which are to be completed daily.
Through e-learning alone control is handed to the employees, which can become a problem as they risk falling behind, or just passively making their way through the material with no real attention being paid.
Having e-learning and operational platforms all in one product means that results can be fed to regional managers and head office, reports can be pulled and action plans can be put in place immediately. Most importantly this is ongoing.

Want to unlock the performance of your frontline teams?

Ocasta Engage unlocks the performance of your frontline teams through comms, microlearning and knowledge. Customers include Next, Virgin Media O2, Burgertory and Tesco Mobile, who have achieved desirable results, including; 

  • 98% engagement rates 

  • 3.75x more recognition amongst their teams

  • 94% of all comms being read. 


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